Piano Removal Monmouth County NJ: There are many reasons why you may not want or need your piano any longer. Maybe you had good intentions at the beginning but you haven’t touched it in years. Or maybe it takes up too much space and you want to downsize soon. Perhaps it’s out of tune and the parts are getting older and you don’t want to spend the money to repair it. Or perhaps you own a music school and you want to get rid of your older models in favor of new ones.

In any case, removing and disposing of a piano – no matter the size – is not an easy task.

You may be thinking of selling your old piano, which is a great idea until you realize you really can’t get as much for it as you would think. Many typical upright pianos have been in a home for many years – sometimes pianos can be up to 100 years old. Maybe your grandparents had one that they inherited from their parent, etc.

As a result, you may think it’s an antique or it’s worth a lot of money. Not so. Most people have a hard time even giving their old pianos away. They hold no value as furniture, only as a working instrument, and even then, it’s questionable. But if your piano has sat unused for years, with chipped keys, out of tune keys, or cracked soundboards, it’s useless to a serious musician.

It will be tough to sell a piano like this. In fact, you’ll probably have to PAY someone to remove it for you. Here’s how you can get rid of your old piano.

Donate It

You can donate your old piano to a music center, school, local charity shop or Goodwill store. They will sell it cheap to a beginner player who just wants to get started. List it online or reach out to local charities to see if they will pick it up from you. You could also try websites like pianoadoption.com, which is a classified ads site strictly for pianos.

Sell It

If you’re determined to get some cash for your piano and it’s still in good working order, you may be able to eek out $50 to $100. The amount you get will depend on the piano’s condition as well as what a buyer is willing to pay for it.

When selling and posting online, take quality photos of the piano and be detailed in your description.

Trash It

Most people will resort to simply throwing away their old piano, either because they don’t want to be bothered trying the above avenues or because they have exhausted all those avenues and just want the instrument out of their house. This option will cost you. You will either have to pay someone to come get it out of your house and haul it away, or somehow manage to get it out of your house, load it onto your truck or van and take it to the landfill for a fee.

Hire Someone

Removing a piano yourself is not wise, as you could damage the surrounding walls and floors if you attempt to haul your piano out on your own. Plus, you need at least two to three people to move a typical piano, and even then, you risk a pulled back or neck. Good luck finding a couple friends who want to waste half a Saturday hauling your piano out of your house!

In the end, your best bet to get rid of an old piano quickly and efficiently is to hire a piano removal service such as Got Trash to take it away for you. We take all pianos and stringed instruments in any condition! Just tell us where it is, and we will handle all the rest, including loading and cleanup. Get a free quote when you contact us today.