Shed Removal NJ: DIY Mini Guide – If you’ve got an old shed on your property that you’ve been meaning to get rid of for some time, you may have considered removing it yourself. While this is a job best left to the professionals, there are ways you can safely remove your shed from your backyard on your own.

So if you’re up for a challenge or want to save some money, here are some tips to tearing down and removing your shed.

Gather Supplies

You’ll need some basic tools first.

  • Safety equipment (work boots, goggles, gloves, hard hat)
  • Pry bar
  • Drill
  • Pliers
  • Wrench
  • Tarps
  • Broom
  • Claw hammer
  • Ladder
  • Hand saw
  • Wheelbarrow (for transporting demolition waste)

Safety Tips

Now that you have the right tools, here’s how to stay safe during a DIY shed demolition and removal project:

  1. Disconnect the electricity. Before doing any work, make sure the electricity is turned off.
  2. Remove the windows. Take off the trim around the windows, both inside and out. Remove the window sashes and frame pieces, then pry the window and the frame out of the wall.
  3. Remove the doors. Close the doors, then pop out the hinge pins. Lay a tarp under the door and take off the door, placing it on the tarp if you find it’s too heavy to move on its own. Drag it out of the way.
  4. Strip the roof. Take off all shingles, them disassemble the framework by taking out the nails.
  5. Break down the walls. Cut into one wall with a handsaw, going from top to bottom. Know where the studs and wiring are within the walls. Using a hammer or just your hand, take off the drywall piece by piece. Now you can disassemble the external walls.
  6. Break up the floor. Lastly, you have to rip up the wood flooring of the shed, or the concrete slab if there’s a foundation. Use a pry bar and flooring tool to pry up nails and floorboards. For a tricky slab, you’ll have to call a contractor who can take a jackhammer to it.

That’s it in a nutshell. It’s not easy to do and can be dangerous – not to mention you have to take care of disposing of the waste, which is an extra cost and hassle. That’s why it’s always recommended that you hire a professional for shed tear down and removal. If you’ve started the project but halfway through realize it’s too difficult or time consuming, call Got Trash NJ at 732-431-2788 for a free estimate.