Bathroom Demolition: Top 5 Reasons Not to DIY – When planning on a substantial bathroom remodel, chances are you’ll need to do some demolition work first so you can start with a fresh canvas. Your first thought may be: hey, how hard can it be if I just did it myself? Well, this is a loaded question! It’s never a good idea, as there are many drawbacks to DIY bathroom demolition. From increased risk of injury to a huge time commitment, here are some of the top reasons NOT to DIY a bathroom demolition.

1.      More Risk

Just like with any DIY demolition project in your home, there are plenty of things that can go wrong in the process. You could risk injury to yourself, damage to your plumbing or other structures, and more. Think about the risk of leaks if you break a pipe, or the eye and lung irritation that can occur when you disturb drywall.

2.      Physically Demanding

It’s not a walk in the park to demolish a bathroom. Think about the effect all that tearing, lifting, ripping and pulling will have on your body. You’ll be exhausted and sore for the duration of the project, and may even hurt yourself so much so that a visit to the ER or doctor could be warranted.

3.      Time Consuming

Bathroom demolition requires a thorough understanding of the room and what you’re going to do with the new space. A minor remodel may only take a weekend to demolish the bathroom but if you have a large bathroom, your house is old or you’re planning a major remodel, it could take many weeks to complete.

Do you have the time not only to devote all your free moments to the project, but to educate yourself along the way? Do you have another full bathroom elsewhere in the house to use while you’re working on this one? If the answers are no, get a professional to do it for you in the interest of time and convenience.

4.      Debris Disposal

Bathroom demolition is a very messy job. There’s a lot of debris left over that can be hazardous or unsafe to breathe, such as dirt, dust, grime, mold, nails, wood and drywall pieces. If you DIY a bathroom demolition, you are responsible for getting that stuff out of the house, into your truck and to the dump.

Even if you rent a dumpster, those rental fees can get quite high, especially if you have it on your property for weeks. It’s quicker and more cost effective to hire a junk removal company to demolish your bathroom and then take all the debris with them when they leave.

5.      Results

When you try to cut corners, sometimes the end result is not what you envisioned. If a demo is done improperly, this can impact the success of the bathroom remodel itself. While you may save money in the first place by DIY’ing the demo, you may end up spending money on a professional later to fix what you did wrong. Why not just let them do it in the first place, and save yourself the hassle and headache? 

For that, turn to Got Trash NJ for complete demolition and debris removal services. Get a free quote on our fast services when you call us at 732-431-2788.