Clean Out Your New Jersey Garage: Tips That Last – If it’s been a while since you actually fit your car in your garage, it’s time for an overhaul. But de-cluttering a space as large as the garage can be a daunting task if you’re not prepared. Come up with a plan to finally clean out your New Jersey garage by sorting, organizing and deep cleaning.

Of course, it’s always better to let the cleanout pros handle this task. Why waste a whole weekend (or two or three) cleaning out your garage and hauling away junk? Nonetheless, we have compiled a few tips for you when it comes to cleaning your New Jersey garage this spring.

1.      Remove Everything From the Garage

First you have to know what you’re dealing with. Start with one section of your garage, preferably one near the door, so you can start hauling stuff out onto the driveway or lawn.  As you work, you may want to place different things in different areas outside depending on what you plan to do with those items.

2.      Decide What You Will Keep

Now that everything is out, go through each item and ask yourself:

  • Why have I kept this item?
  • Do I plan to use it in the next year?
  • Is it still functional?
  • Does it provide a use to me?

If you can’t come up with a good reason for keeping it, put it aside. Gather all the things you plan to keep in one area. Good things to keep include:

  • Things you use frequently
  • Things in good working condition

Things to say goodbye to include:

  • Equipment or gadgets you have been meaning to fix for years but haven’t
  • Tools you no longer use or that you could easily borrow if you needed them
  • Outdated toys for your kids who are now in college

3.      Get Rid of What You Don’t Want

Now that you have your keep pile, you’ll need to sort the other stuff into a few more piles: a donate pile, a trash pile and a sell pile. Box up all items you want to sell or donate first. Place them out of the way.

For all the broken items you want to trash, rent a dumpster and throw everything into it.

4.      Deep Clean the Garage

Now that there’s nothing in your garage for the moment, this is a good time to scrub it clean before replacing stuff. Start from top to bottom, dusting off and wiping down cabinets, shelves and appliances such as extra refrigerators or freezers. Next, wipe everything down with a warm, damp cloth and a mild detergent. Sweep the floors, then mop and hose them off. Let everything dry before you replace everything.

5.      Get Organized

Take this opportunity to resolve that you won’t start cluttering your garage back up again from this point forward. Here are some organization tips:

  • Add shelves to increase your vertical space and keep items within easy each.
  • Place items you don’t use as frequently in cabinets or closets.
  • Place small hand tools on a pegboard.
  • Use wall hooks for larger tools such as shovels or rakes.
  • Group items by category so you can easily find what you need.

Cleaning out your garage doesn’t have to be stressful. Just take your time and don’t try to rush the process.

Most companies will give you these tips but your best option is to show our team (comprised of trained professionals) what needs to be cleaned out and the job is over. You can reserve your free time to do with as you please!

Contact Got Trash NJ For Garage Cleanouts

Make it easy on yourself. Let us take care of cleaning your garage so you don’t have to. Let’s kick off your de-cluttering project with a free quote now at 732-431-2788.

Garage Cleanouts NJGarage Cleanouts Monmouth County